Exclusive Interview With Kuncai

Dr. Corinna Ludwig | Managing Director at Kuncai Pigments Europe GmbH

Dr. Corinna Ludwig will be speaking within the Innovation session on day 1 about the next generation of sustainable inorganic pigments - titanium dioxides and iron oxides produced with significantly reduced environmental impact.


1. You will be speaking on titanium dioxides and iron oxides produced with significantly reduced environmental impact, can you give us a sneak peak about what you will be sharing?

Kuncai was the first company to establish the HCL extraction process to produce TiO2 on a large scale. This process has many advantages that I would like to share with the audience during my speech at the TiO2 World Summit. In general, there are two factors that bring new aspects to the TiO2 market. The products we produce are of high quality, such as high brightness, low impurity levels and small uniform particles. The results of the engineering are products with high tinting strength, intense pure whites and good performance in the end applications. In addition to product properties, sustainability is a key factor. We are able to produce TiO2 with a significantly lower environmental impact. We have been able to drastically reduce energy consumption, produce iron oxides and other raw materials for our effect pigment production in a coupled production process, so that we are able to produce almost no solid waste and reuse 100% of secondary materials. 

2. What is your biggest driver as a business today? 

The white pigments market, and in particular the TiO2 market, has been suffering for some time from a lack of new products that look to the future with more sustainable options. Our key driver is to give the market a new option with an excellent product that is more sustainable than other comparable products and has a much lower level of resource and energy consumption.

3. What do you think will be the biggest challenge for the pigments sector in the coming 5 years?

For TiO2 in particular, the import tax situation, in Europe and the US, would be a key driver, as would geopolitical developments in general. In addition, customers' increased focus on more sustainable product options would be another issue, as would the ongoing consolidation in the pigment market. What do you see as some of the most interesting developments in the market now? 

4. What do you see as some of the most interesting developments in the market now? 

Capacity developments for all suppliers would be an interesting point, as would the expansion of new product qualities and further integration of value chains, and the evolution of the importance of sustainability for the industry and end users. 

5. What are you most looking forward to at the event? 

The exchange between colleagues in the same market sector, to hear their opinions and expectations for the future, and I am also quite curious about the reception of Kuncai as a new player in the TiO2 business.